Mission Farm receives grant from the Preservation Trust of Vermont
Preservation Trust of Vermont awarded Church of Our Saviour, Mission Farm a
$500 Robert Sincerbeaux Fund grant to fund partially a conditions assessment of
three of the historic buildings on their property. Chris Cole of Cole
Engineering assessed the property on August 2, 2017, and the Executive
Committee of the church received his final report on September 14th. He
summarized in the report, “The Vicarage and Stone Church buildings possess a
large amount of historic fabric and in general are in very good condition. The
Heminway House has some major structural concerns that will require additional
investigations. The most significant issue at this time is the water infiltration
at the rear of the Stone Church.” In the report he discussed other drainage and
moisture issues contributing to structural problems for all three buildings,
along with other items in need of repair.
response to the report, the Rev. Lee Alison Crawford and Executive Committee
member, Sue Durant, attended a Preservation Trust of Vermont Retreat in
conjunction with the Partners for Sacred Places at the Grand Isle Lake House,
on September 21-22, for ideas of the best ways not only to address the
preservation of these aging historic buildings, but also strengthen the
valuable community resource this property provides. At the retreat Lisa Ryan,
Field Services of the Preservation Trust of Vermont, asked each attendee to
present a challenge or issue that, once solved, would move their project
forward. The other attendees then discussed the challenge and helped identify
potential funders and technical support providers.
Vicar Lee
Crawford left the retreat with a sense of gratitude for the resources that the
Preservation Trust of Vermont offers and for the new-found community of
companion congregations that are confronting like challenges of aging
buildings. She said that the conference provided fantastic opportunities for
networking: “Already one of the attendees has contacted me about how local
entities might work with Mission Farm to expand agricultural use of its land.”
She relates that a major “take-home” from the conference encourages bringing
community members — even those who do not regularly attend the church — into
deeper conversation about, “What next?”
After the
9:30am church service on Sunday, October 1, 2017 (about 10:30 AM), there will
be a brief presentation of the condition report, along with next steps. Anyone
interested in the condition and preservation of Mission Farm is welcome to
attend the presentation or contact the Rev. Lee Crawford at cosvicar@vermontel.net or 802-422-9064. For more information on future Preservation
Trust of Vermont Retreats, go to https://ptvermont.org/our-work/retreats/
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