Habitat Improvement Project at Mission Farm
Mary Beth and Matt
Poli, of Poli Gardens, have begun work on a River Buffer Habitat
Improvement Project along the Ottauquechee River in
Killington. Next year, they plan to grow
vegetables in the surrounding area at Mission Farm. They consulted with Hilary
Solomon, District Manager of Poultney Mettowee Natural Resources
Conservation District, to come up with a plan for the installation, management
and maintenance of a native pollinator forage and river buffer along the segment
of the river that flows between Route 4 and Mission Farm Road.
The Poultney Mettowee NRCD
provided the grant for the shrubs and trees for phase one of the project. On
Saturday, June 16th the Polis, Solomon, and the Rev. Lee
Crawford planted about 200 winterberry holly, dogwoods, and other native
flowering shrubs in the swale between the road and former hay field (the one
that floods in spring) and along the river behind the vicarage at Mission
Farm. About 50 elderberry shrubs, along with white birch
and sycamore trees, will tentatively planted on
Saturday, August 11th. Email Mary Beth at poligardens@gmail.com for
more information.
Mary Beth Poli
invited anyone interested in the project to walk the trail by the river,
(Mission Farm’s Diane’s Trail) and look for the brightly flagged stakes--next
to each one is a native shrub they planted.
She suggested a great time to visit would be during the next Killington
Farmers' Market on August 16th from 3-6pm. Poli or Crawford can point you in
the right direction, and after the walk pick up some local food and goods to
take home.
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